Shipping policy
Some states have special restrictions on the use of aquatic herbicides and algaecides. Therefore, Sonar, Renovate 3, Captain, AquaPro and Nautique cannot be sold through SePRO's direct consumer business in AK, CA, CT, ME, NJ, NY and WA. Revive, SePRO Blue and Natural Reflection can be sold in these states. Consult with appropriate state or local water authorities before applying these products. Some states may require an aquatic permit, notification prior to application, or have other conditions of use for aquatic products. VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express cards accepted. SePRO Corporation reserves the right, to be exercised at its sole discretion, to revise prices, limit quantities and correct pricing errors. Special offers and/or discounts are valid only at the time of order. Customer is responsible for collection fees, court costs and reasonable attorney fees to collect an unpaid account.

Use wherever weed growth is present.
Aquatic sites that may be treated include ponds, lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, marshes, swamps, bayous, ditches, canals, streams, rivers, creeks and other slow-moving bodies of water.
Key Features
- Clearcast is an effective and selective treatment solution for the control of floating, emergent, and submersed aquatic weed species. It is the flagship solution for targeting cattails.
- Industry standard for systemic cattail control any time of the year
- Provides true systemic activity killing the entire plant, including root system
- Allows for re-colonization of desirable species
- Controls target floating, emergent and shoreline weeds, while leaving desirable plant species unaffected
Seasons of Usage
- Spring
- Summer
- Fall
Where to Use
When to Use
Shipping Restrictions
Area Coverage
Safety Data Sheet
How to Use
Step 1
Mix 2 oz. of Clearcast with 1 oz of MSO Surfactant and 1 gallon of water to cover approx. 700 square feet for emergent vegetation.Step 2
Spray all desired control areas until glossy wet.Product | Application Rate | How to Apply | Used For | |
Clearcast |
Emersed:(above water plants)
1/2 acre: 32 fl oz Clearcast and 16fl oz MSO with 20 gals of water. 1 acre: 64 fl oz (2 qt) Clearcast and 32 fl oz MSO with 40 gals of water |
Emersed:(used with MSO)
Spray to completely wet leaf of stem surfaces Easy to Control Use 32 fl oz/acre rate Hard to Control Use 64 fl oz/acre rate |
Easy to Control Creeping Water Primrose, Dollarweed, Frog's bit, Japanese Stiltgrass, Pondweed, Purple Loosestrife, Water Hyacinth, Water Stargrass, Watershield |
Hard to Control Alligatorweed, Cattails/Bull Rush, Common Salvinia, Pennywort, Phragmites, Common reeds, Water Lily |